We welcome uniting the movement

Brave, bold & unashamedly prioritising inequalities…drw welcomes uniting the movement; Sport England’s 10 year strategy!

Today is a great day for the world of sport for development as we welcome the launch of the eagerly awaited new 10-year strategy from Sport England, Uniting the Movement. After almost 18 months of consultation, conversations and in-depth research its publication is an important moment in time. A time to come together, a time to unite a movement.

Imagine a nation of more equal, inclusive and connected communities. A country where people live happier, healthier and more fulfilled lives. There is no quick fix but if we work together, collaborate, we can build a better future for all. This connection is needed now more than ever in our lifetimes.

Dallaglio RugbyWorks commits to backing this movement; to supporting Sport England to tackle the five big issues: Recovery & Reinvent, Connect Communities, Positive Experiences for Children & Young People, Connecting with Health & Wellbeing, and creating Active Environments.

Sarah, our Managing Director, said ‘This is a brilliant moment in time, a time to unite, a time to collaborate and build a movement! Sport England’s new strategy is brave, bold and unashamedly prioritising inequalities’.

Proud to be a supporter of @Sport_England’s new strategy #UnitingTheMovement. Find out more here.

Rav Rayet

Transforming brands through powerful ideas and great design.


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